Our Goat Daisy and Her Milk

Our goat Daisy gives us delicious milk. We use it to make wonderful creamy and gentle goat milk soap bars. They are a great choice for any skin type, especially sensitive one. The milk makes the soap lather well too. In our shampoo bars it adds a little conditioning. What is great is that our soap helps remove the dead skin cells with its lactic acid with added benefit of moisturizing the skin with it’s cream, vitamin A and selenium.

Milk abundance cycle

In order for a goat to have milk, she needs to have baby kids. Then the milk comes in and we have a steady supply for 8-9 months of the year. Sometime before the milk tapers off, the goat gets bred, and five months later the new babies are born. And with them comes abundance of milk once again!

Watch the video where Daisy is giving birth to three baby kids last spring.

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